‘The online destination for all inspiring, stylish, successful and leading Asians in the world.’


Leading Asians is the partner to organize your event with. From special launches, concept development, in-store parties to dedicated events, with our team we will make sure you will have an unforgettable moment.

You need to be a member of Leading Asians to be able to get on our very exclusive guest list. Once you are privileged to be invited, members will experience the most amazing events. This can vary from in-store activations, champagne tastings, dinner in a Michelin Star restaurant, a night in the most luxurious hotel room you have ever seen, a boat trip in Capri or rally races during an exclusive trip to Formula 1.

With our team of specialized event planners and our partner in production we create concepts and make it happen!

Inquiries? Please contact us: info@leadingasians.com.